Laser Hair Removal - OBAGI CLINIC

Excess hair among people is a terrible nightmare, especially for women, because of its effect on the appearance of the skin and its smoothness, and many ancient and modern methods have been used in removing hair, such as ointments with an unpleasant smell, including their harmful effects, and razor shaving was used as a practical solution. And quickly to make the problem worse by increasing the amount of hair and making it more stiff, in addition to the painful wax, and all these methods used are useless, as the hair quickly grows back again and the suffering is renewed.

All about Laser Hair Removal:

As for the modern method now used in hair removal, the laser has completely eliminated this problem and has become one of the most successful methods of hair removal because of its wonderful and safe results at the same time.


What are the benefits of lasers?

  • Hair removal from large areas of skin in the same session.
  • The pain associated with laser hair removal is very minor and tolerable compared to traditional methods.
  • Laser hair removal is quick and effective, just like shaving hair with a razor, but the difference is that it lasts for a longer period, especially after several sessions, the hair may disappear permanently, and if it returns, it returns in a smoother, lighter, and invisible form of hair.
  • This procedure is applied to almost all areas of the body, and it is effective for people with light and dark hair alike.


How is laser treatment performed?

The laser should be applied three days after shaving, as the hair begins to appear, and the area to be treated is cleaned of any perfumes or deodorants.

This is followed by the start of the laser treatment, the hair follicles absorb the heat of the laser, and within seconds the hair follicles are destroyed and are unable to produce new hair.

This wonderful method makes the skin more smooth and clear, and the splendor of the laser in its high technology and its safe and wonderful results at the same time. Especially since our devices are specially designed to deal with Arabic skin.


How many treatment sessions will I need?

The number of sessions required varies from case to case, depending on the type and color of the hair and the amount of hair.

In general, most people need 4 to 5 sessions, 4 to 6 weeks apart, depending on the hair growth cycle and varies from one area to another. After hair removal, 70% of the hair dies, while some of it reappears, but it is lighter in color, less thick and able to grow and thus is not noticeable. As for the brown skin, the patient may need a greater number of sessions.


Are there side effects of the operation?

Some temporary side effects may occur, such as redness of the skin, or the appearance of some spots or swelling, and all of these things will disappear after a short period. Side effects are rare with an expert hand as the high-tech device we use is specially designed for Arab and tan skin and does not cause any damage, burns or pigmentation to the skin.

Laser hair removal does not make it grow thicker, deeper or faster, but on the contrary, this treatment results in hair that grows slower, smoother and invisible.


And now, my lady, you have forever got rid of a problem that had been plaguing you since your childhood. This problem has afflicted many women over the generations, and their attempts were desperate to get rid of the excess hair that overshadows the tenderness, softness and femininity of women.